Tag: Auto Insurance
Summer Driving Safety Tips
Posted: June 15, 2016
Ah, summertime – road trips, family vacations, and… teen drivers. If you have a teen driver in the family, he or she is going to want to drive more than during school days. Keeping everyone safe becomes more of a concern during the summer months. There are thousands of younger drivers on the road, many of whom don't have extensive driving experience, thereby increasing the...
Tips to Keep You Driving Safe This Winter
Posted: December 1, 2014
The winter season can be extremely dangerous, and we want to help you and your family stay safe. We have gathered together some important tips for safer winter driving. Our local team wants to ensure that everything is in order with your auto insurance , and that you are covered for unexpected events that are more likely to take place during the winter months. Is...
6 Scary Insurance Misconceptions
Posted: October 27, 2014
There are lots of spooky things about Halloween. Just a few include ghosts, goblins and the unfathomable: running out of Halloween candy. Not many people add insurance to this list, despite the fact that a coverage gap could leave you and your family in serious financial trouble. Read on to learn about six of the scariest insurance misconceptions and how you can protect yourself. Six...
Next Up: Radar Guns That Bust Texting Behind the Wheel
Posted: October 8, 2014
It’s no secret that drivers face many distractions behind the wheel. Perhaps no source of distracted driving gets as much attention these days as texting while driving. Policymakers have tackled the problem with legislation banning the dangerous habit. Meanwhile, one state has even created text stops on its major highways. It sounds crazy, but the next tactic may very well be a radar gun that...
Infographic: Road Rage
Posted: September 15, 2014
Look to the skies and you’ve probably heard of a troubling pattern: “air rage,” or airline passengers fighting over reclining seats. But down here on the road, tempers can flare just as quickly. Check out this infographic for some interesting facts on road rage. We’ve also got tips for how to keep your cool when road rage hits. Read the full story from Erie Insurance:...