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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Is a Side Job for Extra Money Right for You?

If you’re not too tired after working your demanding day job, you might consider picking up a side job for extra money (a.k.a. “moonlighting”). It’s especially worth looking into before the holiday shopping season gets in full swing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 6.8 million Americans work more than one job. That equates to 4.6 percent of all employed people. There are...

As the Weather Chills, Here Are 10 Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy

As a local insurance agency providing life insurance coverage, our agents are very aware of the increased health risks over the cold winter months. Injuries as a result of car accidents in wet or icy conditions, slip and fall accidents, and cases of injury from prolonged exposure all rise over the winter months. Those who are not properly prepared for the weather, and those who are already predisposed to injury...

6 Scary Insurance Misconceptions

There are lots of spooky things about Halloween. Just a few include ghosts, goblins and the unfathomable: running out of Halloween candy. Not many people add insurance to this list, despite the fact that a coverage gap could leave you and your family in serious financial trouble. Read on to learn about six of the scariest insurance misconceptions and how you can protect yourself. Six...

Infographic: Weird Halloween Insurance Facts

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: "Infographic: Weird Halloween Insurance Facts"...

Infographic: The Business of Baseball

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: "Infographic: The Business of Baseball"...